This Labor Day weekend, grab some charcoal and friends and use the below tips to host a fantastic backyard BBQ!

  1. Prep Food Beforehand

By doing so, you eliminate the stress of dishes not being read in time, and being stuck chopping instead of socializing with your guests

2. Have Plenty Of Charcoal/Propane

Who wants to get stuck having to run to the store midway through?

3. Have Guests Bring Side dishes

It really does take the burden off having to make 10 lbs of potato salad. Plus, your guests will love being able to contribute

4. Add Outdoor Lights

Hang up some string lights or lanterns so you can continue to add a fun ambience (plus still see everyone when the sun goes down!) You can get really creative and also do tiki torches

5. Keep Snacks Away From Areas Of Cooking

It helps keep everyone from congregating around the grill/kitchen and making it hard to maneuver freely

6. Create Drink Stations

Fill plastic buckets with ice to keep all the adult and kid friendly beverages cold, and available for your guests to grab as they please.

7. Add Outdoor Games

Who doesn’t love a round of corn hole? You can also do the traditional beer pong, or go big and have giant Jenga

8. Skip Traditional Desserts

Don’t stress over having to have extra plates for pies (or making them). Go with the super yummy s’more route!

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